Company Name: XL-SHOPS / Bertrand
Legal Representative: Mr. Bertrand F.
Headquarters: Mr. BERTRAND - 2 avenue de Brusque – 12360 Camares - France
SIRET: 430 306 365 00072 APE: 47.91A

Correspondence Address: Mr. Bertrand - 1 Rue Comminges - Bât B8 - 34070 Montpellier - France


XL-SHOPS is concerned with respecting privacy and protecting the personal or non-personal information of all Internet users who wish to access its website B-MOTORSPORT.COM
The information collected about you is essential for processing your orders.
No commercial exploitation, even partial, of the collected data will be subject to transfer to third parties.
This information is confidential and kept by XL-SHOPS.
We remind individuals whose personal information is collected that they have the right to access, modify, correct, and delete data concerning them (Article 34 of the "Data Protection and Freedoms" law of January 6, 1978).
Likewise, you have the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal information about you (Article 26 of the Data Protection and Freedoms Act of January 6, 1978).


We may obtain automatically collected information that cannot, under any circumstances, be associated with a person. This information concerns the type of internet browser you use, your computer system, and the domain name through which you accessed our site.


During your visit to our site, we may place cookies on your computer.
A cookie does not allow us to identify you.
In general, it records information about your computer's navigation on our site (the pages you have viewed, the date and time of the consultation, etc.) that we may read during your subsequent visits.
You can naturally oppose the recording of cookies by configuring your browser accordingly.
You can also delete cookies at any time and individually by referring to the user manual of your operating system.


The presentation and content of this site together constitute a work protected by the laws on intellectual property, of which XL-SHOPS is the owner.
Reproductions, on paper or electronic media, of said site and the works and models reproduced therein are authorized provided that they are strictly reserved for personal use, understood as an identical reproduction only and that the authorized use must not harm the quality and reputation of XL-SHOPS products, excluding any use for advertising, commercial, or informational purposes.
Any reproduction, translation, use, and/or total or partial modification of this site by any means whatsoever that would be done without the prior written consent of XL-SHOPS constitutes an infringement punishable by Articles L. 355-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code, punishable by two years imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 Euros.


This site is exclusively governed by French domestic law and by the international conventions applicable in France.
In the event of a dispute, the French courts shall have sole jurisdiction.